Bookseller Catalogs
By Jeff Weber Rare Books239: NOTABLE & UNUSUAL BOOKS IN THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE: MIDWIFERY, NEUROLOGY, PEDIATRICS 28 books in the medical sciences: Anatomy, Anesthesia, Chest Diseases, Childbirth, Diphtheria, Domestic Medicine, Fevers, Gynecology, Histology, Medical Bibliography, Medical History, Midwifery, Neurology, Nursing, Pathology, Pediatrics, Pharmacology, Sexology, Tropical Medicine. AUTHORS: Arthur Frederick ABT; American Pharmaceutical Association; Giovanni Battista ASSANDRI; George BAKER; Eugene BOUCHUT; Pierre-Fidèle BRETONNEAU; Robert BURTON; William CADOGAN; Walter CHANNING; Nicholas CULPEPER; Calvin CUTTER; Thomas Herbert DAVEY; D. Zacharie DAVIOT; Paul EHRLICH; Havelock ELLIS; M. EMPIS; Herbert McLean EVANS; Fielding H. GARRISON; Conrad GESSNER; Rickman John GODLEE; Evert GORTER; Paul Louis Benolt GUERSANT; James French HARTIGAN; William HEBERDEN; Pieter Cornelis Tobias van der HOEVEN; Frederick HOLLICK; William Wotherspoon IRELAND; Robert A. JAMES; John Cordy JEAFFRESON; Charles Gilmore KERLEY; Josef KLINGLER; Adolf LAZARUS; William Paterson Hay LIGHTBODY; Jacques MONTAIN-LAMBIN; René Théophile Hyacinthe LAENNEC; Eugen LUDWIG; Sir Edward MELLANBY; Mrs. Teresia Constantia MUILMAN; Sir William OSLER; Claudius QUILLET; Rhivallon; Nicholas ROWE; Society for the Publication of Ancient Welsh Manuscripts; Robert Hunter SEMPLE; Werner SPALTEHOLZ; Armand TROUSSEAU; Andreas VESALIUS
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Spring 2020 List
Spring 2020 List 16th-17th-Century Continental Books
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Catalog 320: 120 Worthwhile Books & Manuscripts 17th-20th century - literature, americana, travel, ethnic studies, &c.
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E-list #18: New Arrivals 33 newly-cataloged items include signed books, autographs, a William Jennings Bryan poster, and a Cheyenne language Mennonite Mission title.
Catalogue 97: Books, Manuscripts, Broadsides and Pamphlets on Law and Related Fields, 15th to 20th C
By The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.238: Rare Books in the Medical Sciences; Anesthesia, Chinese & Mexican Medicine, Dentistry & Dental
By Jeff Weber Rare Books238: Rare Books in the Medical Sciences; Anesthesia, Chinese & Mexican Medicine, Dentistry & Dental 43 medical books: SUBJECTS: Anesthesia, Chinese Medicine, Cocaine (Cola-Cola); Dentistry & Dental Instruments, George Dock Offprints, Medical Bibliography, Medical Education, Medical Letters & Medical Poetry, Mexican medical history, Neurosurgery, Opium
AUTHORS, CONTRIBUTORS: American Heart Association; Andres ARANDA CRUZALTA; Carter Burwell BERKELEY; [Charles] Carolus MINOR; Greene Vardiman BLACK; Astley COOPER; Arthur Joseph CRAMP; Samuel CRUMPE; Harvey CUSHING; Jean DARIER; Thomas DE QUINCEY; Paul DIEPGEN; George DOCK; Daniel DRAKE; John F. FAITHHORN; GALEN; Antonin GOSSET; Alexander GRANT; Simeon Hayden GUILFORD; Heinrich HAESER; William Ernest HENLEY; Pierre HUARD; Blair HUGHES-STANTON; Robert KOCH; Chauncey D. LEAKE; Samuel Albert LEVINE; Thomas LINACRE; Baron Joseph LISTER; Henry Munson LYMAN; Sir William MACEWEN; Charles MacLAURIN; Hugo MAGNUS; Edward Deering MANSFIELD; Otto MARBURG; Angelo or Ange-François MARIANI; John MARTIN; Laird WNEVIUS; William OSLER; Sir James PAGET; Joseph Frank PAYNE; Raymond PEARL; Sir William ROBERTS; Samuel ROLLESTON; Hans SALLANDER; John Cunningham SAUNDERS; William SHARP; Charlotte THOMAS; University of Iowa Museum of Art; Paul UUNSCHULD; [WALLER COLLECTION; Tord SKOOG; Samuel SWHITE; Ming WONG.
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